Turkey Haircuts
Turkey Day is almost here. We have a fun and easy craft for your littles this Thanksgiving season. My girls loved giving their Turkeys haircuts. Cutting is such a great activity that strengthens your childs coordination and skills. It allows them to build up the muscles in their fingers that are important for writing, painting and doing everyday activities.
brown, orange, red and yellow construction paper
glue stick
craft eyes — we used edible eyes
toilet paper roll
Now that you see the supply list, have your kids help gather everything and lets start making turkeys. First up, cut out a shape of a turkey on brown paper. Add a nose and gobble neck. Next add your eye balls. Once that is done, roll up a half sheet of colored paper, either orange, yellow or red. Fix it to the top of the toilet paper roll. Tape it down. Next take your brown turkey and staple the bottom front of the turkey to a toilet paper roll.

Once all of your turkeys are assembled, grab the kids and some child scissors and let them cut away. If you have a child like mine, they will love doing this and it will keep them entertained for awhile. Cutting is so fun and builds strong hands. If you have kids that are able to help, put them to work creating this craft. Otherwise, moms it only took me about 10 minutes to get 4 turkeys put together for my girls. Have fun!