Wow! I am still beaming from my event last weekend at Burn Boot Camp. Friends, if you are looking for a good workout, YOU have got to hit up one of their camps. Trust me on this one. Today I am not only sharing one new recipe for New Recipe Monday but 5. They are all protein packed snacks and great for kids too.

burn boot camp event

5 Protein Packed Snacks

  • Chocolate Smoothie

  • Fruit Smoothie

  • Protein Energy Balls

  • Birthday Cake Energy Balls

  • Protein Pancake Bites

Most of these recipes contain a lot of the same ingredients, which is great for meal prepping. The smoothies are great for after your workout or for an afternoon snack. Energy balls make great snacks for kids lunchboxes or afterschool. Just pop one in and enjoy! Last but not least, the protein pancake bites. We made ours into bites and added in some chocolate chips but this recipe can also be used for regular pancakes as well. Just add maple syrup, yum!

Another side note about Burn Boot Camp is that they have free childwatch. I know a lot of you out there are moms of littles and if you’re like me, you are dragging your girls with everywhere. When they can join me at the gym and watch me workout, they are learning healthy habits at an early age!

The pictures don’t do justice to the day of the event. There were so many supportive and strong woman surrounding me and my girls. I am so thankful for the Burn Community. Head to Instagram to watch the Reel Fun :)

Recipe Below!

protein energy bites
birthday cake energy bites

Rainbow Chip Cake Batter Dip


Chocolate Chip Brownie and Peanut Butter Energy Balls