Shoreline Snacks pt. 1 Boat Dip

There is nothing quite like a day out on the water, surrounded by friends, sunshine, and the gentle rocking of the boat. But what truly elevates this perfect setting is the food you bring along. Enter our boat dip : the ultimate crowd-pleaser that is as easy to make as delicious,

Whether you’re setting sail on a lake, cruising down a river, or anchored at sea, this creamy, savory boat dip is the ideal snack to keep everyone satisfied. This recipe might just become a staple for all of your nautical adventures.


  • sour cream

  • cheese

  • taco seasoning

  • rotel

  • corn

Boat Dip

This recipe is quick and easy. Grab a serving bowl or mixing bowl and add in sour cream, cheese, taco seasoning, rotel and corn. Mix everything together and place in the fridge for at least an hour before serving. When adding in the rotel and corn be sure to drain the excess liquid.

boat dip

Serve with carrot sticks, celery, sweet peppers, lime tortilla chips or Fritos. Enjoy!

boat dip

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boat dip


Shoreline Snacks pt. 2 Ranch Snack Mix


Creamy Mashed Potatoes