If you have been following us for awhile you know a good snack board is one of our go-tos. Lets keep this short and sweet. Happy almost New Year!

Snack Boards

Snack boards are a great way to enjoy many different snacks at one time. Most of the boards I build are built around a theme, for instance my sweet tooth and New Years Eve. The best part about making snack boards is your kids can help put them together; from picking out the snacks to building it. First off, have your kids start rummaging through your fridge and pantry to find their favorite snacks.

For our New Years Eve snack board we used —

  • candy canes

  • funky chunky chocolate covered pretzels

  • chocolate covered wafers

  • peppermint cookies

  • sweet fig glazed cashews

  • chocolate dipped Oreos

  • rolled wafers

Most of the above ingredients can be found at Target or your local grocery store. When sticking to a kid-friendly snack board, it is best to pick the items that you regularly have in your fridge or pantry that everyone will enjoy. Presentation is key and we often eat with our eyes first. Make sure to have food of different sizes, shapes, colors and flavors.

A few of my favorite things to put on a non-sweets board are, carrots, cucumbers, hummus, popcorn, crackers, pretzels, grapes, strawberries, apple slices, cashews, salami, mozzarella sticks and chocolate covered almonds. You really can’t go wrong when building a kid-friendly snack board. Enjoy!

kid-friendly snack board

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Cupids Crunch


Candy Corn Crunch