Pork Chops with Apple Slaw

Unfortunately, the dog days of summer are coming to an end and eating outside will be a thing of the past. I’m here to give you a refreshing take on boring old pork chops. I never truly liked pork chops until recently and this recipe takes them up a notch or 10.


  • apple

  • coleslaw

  • teriyaki sauce

  • red chili sauce

  • sriracha

  • sour cream

  • jasmine rice

  • panko bread crumbs

  • Italian seasoning

  • pork chops (2-4)

Lets make pork chops

First up, cook the jasmine rice. You can use either minute rice or cook on the stove; always be sure to rinse the rice prior to cooking. Now, lets make the crema and coleslaw mixture. For the crema; add sour cream, sriracha and water to a medium bowl and mix together. Next, in another medium sized bowl, mix together coleslaw, red chili sauce, teriyaki sauce, thinly sliced apples, salt and pepper. Place both of those in the fridge, we will come back to them later.

Now, lets prep our pork chops. Pat them dry and trim the fat. Coat pork with sour cream and cover with bread crumbs and Italian Seasoning.

Turn on your stove to medium heat, place oil in pan and once it is hot enough, add in pork chops. Flipping them over after cooking for 4-5 minutes. Chops are done when the panko is browned and they have an internal temperature of 145 degrees.

porkchops with apple slaw

Remove from skillet. Place on a plate with jasmine rice, top with apple slaw and crema. Take a bite and enjoy!

Even if you dislike porkchops I suggest giving this recipe a try. The apple slaw paired with pork makes for one fresh and delicious bite.

Recipe Below.

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Pork Chops with Apple Slaw

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