Banana Popsicles

These frozen yogurt banana popsicles are a healthy and easy treat to make! They are the perfect alternative to popsicles and your kids can help make them. The best part? Options for toppings are endless.

My 2hungrydaughters LOVE helping with a recipe any chance they can get and these banana popsicles were a hit. When it comes to decorating though, my youngest focuses more on eating rather than helping My oldest is a rockstar in many ways and picks up her sisters slack in the kitchen. 


  • vanilla or plain yogurt (any variety)

  • popsicle sticks

  • bananas

  • toppings – sprinkles, mini chocolate chips, coconut, sunflower butter to drizzle on top, etc.


First off, gather all of your ingredients and your kids. You can start by cutting your bananas into halves or thirds. We did thirds to make smaller popsicles that are easier to eat. Once they are all cut, place the bananas on the popsicle sticks. Start dipping the banana popsicles into the yogurt, kind of swirl it around so the banana doesn’t fall off the stick. Place it on a baking sheet and continue until all of the bananas are covered with yogurt. 

Now you can start adding all of your toppings and decorating the banana popsicles. Go crazy, have fun and eat a few chocolate chips. We drizzled some dark chocolate sunflower butter on top for a little added sweetness. When you are ready, pop them in the freezer for at least 30 minutes or until the yogurt has froze. Take them out whenever and enjoy!

These banana popsicles would be perfect for a birthday party or on a hot summer day. We love to have dessert after supper and these make a good, healthy option for the whole family to enjoy. I caught my husband eating 2 of them the other day. They are SO good!

Recipe Below

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