Grilled Salmon

One more feature Friday to go and I am taking over the grill again. Hey moms, YOU CAN GRILL! This is the easiest grilled salmon recipe you can find. Follow along, grab a cocktail and come hang with me on the back patio while the kids play.


  • salmon

  • avocado oil

  • all purpose rub

  • Cajun seasoning

Perfectly Grilled Salmon

Hello easy, fresh and healthy. Grilling salmon is one of my favorites. I am so thankful my husband has taught me so much on the grill — pretty soon I will be better than him. Alright, lets get to some delicious grilled salmon.

First thing, take the salmon out of the package and rub your fingers over top to check for bones. Gently remove bones that you find. You can search on YouTube how to do this or just pull from the tip of the bone that is poking out. Most salmon filets will not have many bones and if you can, get salmon with the skin on. The skin makes the salmon more flavorful and helps keep it together on the smoker.

Next up, slather on some avocado oil and seasonings. I will link our favorites below. We used an all purpose rub (salt, pepper, garlic) and a Cajun seasoning. When you’re ready make a little tinfoil boat to place the salmon in. Set on the smoker and cook for 40-45 minutes at 300 degrees, checking the temperature halfway. Once your salmon reaches an internal temperature of 145 degrees, it is done.

I cannot stress enough how important a meat thermometer is. We use one allllll the time! Serve this grilled salmon up with rice, Brussels sprouts, salad, or whatever floats your boat. Enjoy!

grilled salmon

Recipe Below

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Grilled Salmon

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